
Showing posts from 2018

Skip n Moz™ in Swampy Singapore

Singapore is not all metropolis and there are still pockets of swampland from whence she sprung. Them swamps are teeming with life and Skip n Moz™, that lovable mud skipper and talented fiddler crab, are no sticks in the mud. Check out my other blogs: Nanyang, a graphic novel Shanghai, virtually painted

Unanswered questions


Love At First Bite


Singapore passes Paternity Leave into law!


"I Piss On Your Currency"

What is a layman to make of central banks rolling the printing presses? Sounds like “I piss on your currency.” Especially for the debtor who can print his own money in which the debt is also denominated and is accepted worldwide.


BLOG POSTS CONTINUE AFTER THIS Available in two designs. Check links below.   Images © Step out in these awesome T-shirts celebrating the Singapore Bicentennial which marks the 200th Anniversary of the founding of Singapore by Thomas Stamford Raffles, a young English officer of the East India Company. Once a trading centre of some renown and known as Singapura the Lion City, it had declined into a fishing village by the time Raffles landed on her shores.  However, Raffles, a product of the Enlightenment, had a vision beyond establishing a new duty-free port. He wanted it to be a beacon of hope, freedom and justice, thus setting in motion events that catapulted Singapore into the stunning metropolis it is today. Click above to watch Video Preview Store Link to products:  Here Copyright © Tan Choon Hong 2019. All rights reserved. 

Three Wise Monkeys and Noah's Ark


I Piss on Your Currency: Quantitative Easing Revisited

What is a layman to make of central banks rolling the printing presses? Sounds like “I piss on your currency.” Especially for the debtor who can print his own money in which the debt is also denominated and is accepted worldwide. But two can play at the game ... Water released from the Three Gorges Dam, Hubei province, China.

6.9m white paper installation sweeps the art world

“6.9m” has gripped an island nation in the sun. Every Tan, Jit and Ali (Tom, Dick and Harry in other parts of the English speaking world) has an opinion, and the debate online and offline has overshadowed the “national conversation.” Now 6.9m is the only talk in town. T-shirts, mugs and posters featuring 6.9m are selling like hot cakes. So Arturo, that artful artepreneur, has got one of the Tan, Jit and Ali trio to do an installation at his Galleria Arturo, hoping to cash in on the mania.

The Legend of the Merfamily®

The origin of the lion with a mermaid’s tail is shrouded in mystery. Legend has it that it started with a chance meeting one sunny day on a beach… Check out the Merfamily® Collectibles and other attractive Singapore mementos at here   T-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, covers for iPad, iPhone, MacBook Air, posters, post cards, etc. that you can customise online to make great gifts for friends and family. Merfamily® is a registered trademark under IPOS Singapore No: T9904612F. © Tan Choon Hong 1999-2014. All rights reserved.

Romney and the Chinese Moon Landing


Debunking a myth: From swamp to metropolis.


The Birth of The Singapore Flag

While it is on record that the Singapore Flag was designed by a committee headed by the late Dr Toh Chin Chye, mystery surrounds the actual process of its creation. The Artistic Licensee takes the liberty of suggesting how it might have been conceived.

Space: The Final Frontier

Happee and Larky are happy-go-lucky clouds that often watch over us and ponder the follies of mankind. Incidentally, Happee is a rain cloud, and he pees when pissed. Larky is happy as a lark.

The Accidental Sculpture

Accidents happen, and some do have a happy ending when they take on an artistic dimension.

Merlion fights fire in Old Temasek

Check out the Merfamily® Collectibles and other attractive Singapore mementos at  T-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, covers for iPad, iPhone, MacBook Air, posters, post cards, etc. that you can customise online to make great gifts for friends and family. Merfamily® is a registered trademark under IPOS Singapore No: T9904612F.  © Tan Choon Hong 1999-2023. All rights reserved.

Seen in Singapore

Whenever sensitive issues are broached, those whose sensitivities have ratcheted up, will invariably remind us that Singapore is not the USA or UK, that we are unique and must find our own way. Taking this to heart, and armed with the artistic licence granted by Goddess Athena, I have gone on a little Singaporeanisation of the august English language. From now on, I shall refrain from using the very Englishman’s expression “every Tom, Dick and Harry” and substitute it with my very own native phrase “every Tan, Jit and Ali”. I think it has local flavour and it kinda has a nice ring to it. TAN, JIT & ALI™ collectibles are available at

Tan, Jit and Ali enter Singapore Furniture Design Contest
